In case of emergency between 8:00 and 17:00 you can call our emergency number: 050 – 3129216 choose option 1
In case of emergency after office hours you can call the Doktersdienst Groningen: 0900 – 9229.
Consulting hour doctor
You can call to make an appointment for consulting hour between 8:00 and 10:30 on telephonenumber: 050-3129216 choose option 3.
The assistant will ask you the reason or complaints about your appointment.
Consultation takes 10 minutes. If you think you need more time, please ask our assistant.
Consulting hour assistant
The assistants have their own consulting hour between 14:00 and 15:00. You can visit them for: tension control, pap smears, cerumen lavage, cure warts, to dress wounds, to remove stitches and to tape.
You can make an appointment between 8:00 and 10:30.
If it isn’t possible to visit our practice, you can request a house call. We would like you to make this request before 10:30.
We prefer to see you at the practice, because we have better investigation and treatment options there.
Telephone consultation
You can make a request for a phone consultation between 8:00 and 10:30. The assistant will tell you at which time the doctor will call you back.
Consultation counsellor
Our social psychiatric counsellor has his own consultation every other week on Thursday. The first appointment will be after consultation with the doctor.
Follow-up will be made with the counsellor himself.
You can have an appointment with the counsellor for advice and support with psychological problems.
For results of additional testing we would like you to call us between 13:15 and 14:00.
When you have a complaint (about the therapy or the state of affairs) we will first ask you to talk with the doctor about it.
For rating complaints who can’t be fixed by the doctor, we are connected to an independent ‘’complaints commission’’.
Information is available on the website.
You can request your chronic prescriptions in 3 ways:
- You can hand in your labels/boxes at the desk
- By telephone: 050- 3129216 choose option 2
- Through the website:
When you make your request before 10:30 we will pass it on to your pharmacy on the same day. You can pick it up the next day after 16:00.
Ask your pharmacy about their standard.
Lunch break
We are closed between 12.00 and 13.00 for lunch break.
In case of emergency you can call our emergency number: 050 – 3129216 option 1.